Visitors are always welcome!

If you are traveling or looking for a church, we are glad you have found us.  We’re here to worship God.  We, along with our children, love to assemble together to study God’s word and not for entertainment.  We have classes for all ages.  We’d love for you to join with us.

We’re here to worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:23-24

As we meet, study the Bible and worship together, we are interested in “considering one another” to help encourage each other “to love and good works”.  Heb 10:24

We love the Lord and want to please Him by keeping His commandments.  John 14:15

We use the Bible to tell us these commands.
2 Tim 3:16

On this website, you will find articles, lesson material and recorded sermons.  We invite you to go through our catalog.  If you have questions, please e-mail to southloopchurchofchrist@gmail.com

Phone numbers- 512.496.0545 or 512987.3239